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The Icon Bar: News and features: The Icon Bar Awards 2009

The Icon Bar Awards 2009

Posted by Phil Mellor on 00:00, 1/1/2010 | ,
The Icon Bar Awards 2009 logoHappy new year! The votes have been counted and we're pleased to announce the winners of The Icon Bar Awards for 2009. Thanks to everyone who took part and congratulations to all the nominees on the shortlist.
And here are the results:
  • Best commercial product
    Winner: PostScript 3
    Runner-up: ArtWorks 2.9
  • Best non-commercial product
    Winner: NetSurf
    Runner-up: GCC
  • Best new development
    Winner: RISC OS Open on BeagleBoard
    Runner-up: Tie between Micro Men & V-Pod!
  • Best show
    Winner: Sophie Wilson at Alt Party 2009
    Runner-up: ROUGOL
Read on for more details, including our two Special Awards for significant and lasting contributions to the RISC OS community.

Best Commercial Product

Congratulations to John Tytgat and Martin Wuerthner who worked on the new PostScript 3 printer driver. The new driver offers many improvements leading to higher quality both when printing to PostScript 3 printers and when creating PDF files. Martin also receives recognition for the latest version of the popular ArtWorks vector graphics package. New features included support for alpha masks and improvements to multi-page editing, text areas and PDF export.

Best Non-Commercial Product

NetSurf has won this category many times in the Drobe awards, and the trend continues here at TIB. Well done everyone involved. In the autumn the team pleaded for RISC OS developers to step forward and maintain the WIMP front end - so a tip of the hat to Steve Fryatt who has bravely offered to help out. Congratulations also to the GCC/SDK team for their crucial work on the platform's development tools. We give them the special tortoise award, since the 4.1.1 r2 release was made just a few days past the nomination cutoff date.

Best New Development

The Beagleboard port won the lion's share of the votes in this category, and deservedly so. As many of our commenters have pointed out this is where the future of RISC OS lies. Many hugs and kisses to Jeffrey Lee and the ROOL team.

Best Show

Digital culture festival Alt Party won the Best Show award thanks to star guest Sophie Wilson. You can watch her talk on YouTube. Meanwhile ROUGOL celebrated its 10th birthday in style by organising its first show.

And Finally...

We have two awards for significant and lasting contributions to the RISC OS community.

Lifetime Achievement

In 2009, the RISC OS community lost one of its greatest advocates. Paul Vigay had been a fan of Acorn and RISC OS since the very early days and right up to his untimely death in February he continued to support and take an active part in the RISC OS community through Argonet and Orpheus, magazines, his websites, software and the masses of help and advice he provided on forums and newsgroups. He was a friendly figure at work and at shows and a great sport in our podcasts; Paul will be sorely missed.

Outstanding Contribution to the Community

Our second special award goes to Chris Williams. Drobe has been one of the top sources for RISC OS news since 1999 when it was started by Peter Price and Chris Williams. Over ten years Drobe provided nearly two and a half thousand items and consistently produced well written and timely news and articles. We'd like to think we gave Drobe a run for its money on occasions, but probably didn't most of the time. Overall, it's obvious that Chris has a passion and dedication for journalism and a professionalism which made Drobe the first choice for RISC OS news. Although the updates stopped in October 2009, Chris has left the entire backlog of articles available on the Drobe website.

  The Icon Bar Awards 2009
  adrianl (00:15 1/1/2010)
  nunfetishist (00:51 1/1/2010)
  helpful (03:53 1/1/2010)
  diodesign (08:58 1/1/2010)
  swirlythingy (14:46 1/1/2010)
    pnaulls (15:31 1/1/2010)
      Jacko (16:18 1/1/2010)
        VincceH (19:08 1/1/2010)
          Phlamethrower (19:57 1/1/2010)
          adrianl (05:36 2/1/2010)
            VincceH (11:38 2/1/2010)
              Phlamethrower (11:44 2/1/2010)
                VincceH (12:18 2/1/2010)
                adrianl (19:13 2/1/2010)
                  Phlamethrower (19:58 5/1/2010)
                    VincceH (20:19 5/1/2010)
  trevj (11:24 15/4/2010)
    helpful (03:36 18/4/2010)
Adrian Lees Message #112610, posted by adrianl at 00:15, 1/1/2010
Posts: 1637
Thank you for making special mention of both Paul and Chris. I entirely agree with the sentiments expressed.
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Rob Kendrick Message #112611, posted by nunfetishist at 00:51, 1/1/2010, in reply to message #112610
Today's phish is trout a la creme.

Posts: 524
I'd also like to point out that NetSurf wouldn't be possible if it wasn't for the excellent work from the GCCSDK and UnixLib contributors.
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Bryan Hogan Message #112616, posted by helpful at 03:53, 1/1/2010, in reply to message #112610
Posts: 252
Congratulations to all the winners, even the Alt Party that beat the London show into 2nd place!

As there was clearly a lot of interest in Sophie Wilson's talk I'm very pleased to announce that she will be the guest speaker at ROUGOL on Monday 19th April big smile

Put the date in your diaries now.
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Chris Williams Message #112617, posted by diodesign at 08:58, 1/1/2010, in reply to message #112610
The Opposition

Posts: 269
Aww - thanks a million, guys. You've really made my day. I couldn't have done drobe.co.uk without Ian Hawkins hosting the site, the countless and often outstanding contributors and launch editor Peter Price.

I'm pleased and relieved TIB and arcsite.de (and recently riscos.info) are keeping the online RISC OS community alive.

Congrats to the winners; have a happy new year, everyone smile
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Martin Bazley Message #112622, posted by swirlythingy at 14:46, 1/1/2010, in reply to message #112610

Posts: 460
Congratulations to everybody (especially Jeffrey) and a happy new 2012!
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Peter Naulls Message #112623, posted by pnaulls at 15:31, 1/1/2010, in reply to message #112622
Posts: 317
Congratulations to everybody (especially Jeffrey) and a happy new 2012!
You're looking at your Iyonix clock then, right? ;-)

Anyway, thanks for the vote for GCC.
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David Jackson Message #112624, posted by Jacko at 16:18, 1/1/2010, in reply to message #112623
Posts: 84
This must be the dreaded Y2.01K bug Rage
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VinceH Message #112632, posted by VincceH at 19:08, 1/1/2010, in reply to message #112624
Lowering the tone since the dawn of time

Posts: 1600
This must be the dreaded Y2.01K bug Rage
And the Y1.99K bug.

And the Y2.03K bug.

And the W2.05K bug.


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Jeffrey Lee Message #112634, posted by Phlamethrower at 19:57, 1/1/2010, in reply to message #112632
PhlamethrowerHot Hot Hot Hot Hot Hot Hot Hot Hot Hot Hot Hot Hot stuff

Posts: 15100
Luckily(?) the RTC battery in my Iyonix started to go a few weeks ago, so my subsequent use of NetTime has meant I haven't had to worry about the clock slipping any further.
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Adrian Lees Message #112637, posted by adrianl at 05:36, 2/1/2010, in reply to message #112632
Posts: 1637
Please don't anyone spend any time investigating this, I've submitted a source correction to the good folks at ROOL and am running a locally-patched OS from flash on my IYONIX pc. In outline one routine designed to handle counter wraparound in the year field of the RTC (the part used in the RPC actually only counts up to 4 years!) was incorrectly updated for the IYONIX pc's Dallas part which uses Binary Coded Decimal, albeit still only two decimal digits.
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VinceH Message #112640, posted by VincceH at 11:38, 2/1/2010, in reply to message #112637
Lowering the tone since the dawn of time

Posts: 1600
Please don't anyone spend any time investigating this, I've submitted a source correction to the good folks at ROOL and am running a locally-patched OS from flash on my IYONIX pc.
And to think I couldn't sleep last night because the leap-year problem with my little temporary fix was constantly jumping up and down on my head to keep me awake. I came up with an idea for a solution, grabbed my phone and posted notes to Twitter so that I'd see them this morning!

I won't bother turning those notes into an updated program now. tongue
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Jeffrey Lee Message #112641, posted by Phlamethrower at 11:44, 2/1/2010, in reply to message #112640
PhlamethrowerHot Hot Hot Hot Hot Hot Hot Hot Hot Hot Hot Hot Hot stuff

Posts: 15100
And to think I couldn't sleep last night because the leap-year problem with my little temporary fix was constantly jumping up and down on my head to keep me awake. I came up with an idea for a solution, grabbed my phone and posted notes to Twitter so that I'd see them this morning!

I won't bother turning those notes into an updated program now. tongue
You did better than me, I think tongue

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VinceH Message #112642, posted by VincceH at 12:18, 2/1/2010, in reply to message #112641
Lowering the tone since the dawn of time

Posts: 1600
I won't bother turning those notes into an updated program now. tongue
You did better than me, I think tongue

Heh. I'm not so sure - you were looking at the actual problem with a view to (hopefully) fixing it properly whereas all I did was come up with what could only ever be a temporary, short term fix (albeit one that could be re-used when we next hit an odd decade).

My inability to sleep last night just resulted in me coming up with a way to make it cope with 29/2. The current program works for up to 8 years, failing whenever it really is 29/2, otherwise leap years are irrelevant - the revised one would, in theory, have worked for up to 8 years without that problem.
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Adrian Lees Message #112647, posted by adrianl at 19:13, 2/1/2010, in reply to message #112641
Posts: 1637
2010 has '10' binary for the 2 LSBs. The RPC code only breaks if the machine is left switched off for more than 3-4 years (depending upon the dates within those years), which hardly matters.

Sorry for the duplicated effort. I wanted to make sure that the fix worked before announcing it (since there'd already been an huge discussion), and it takes a while to patch binary ROM images, test softloads, flash the machine and try various date transitions etc.
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Jeffrey Lee Message #112673, posted by Phlamethrower at 19:58, 5/1/2010, in reply to message #112647
PhlamethrowerHot Hot Hot Hot Hot Hot Hot Hot Hot Hot Hot Hot Hot stuff

Posts: 15100
On the bright(?) side, it looks like we're not the only ones encountering date problems.

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VinceH Message #112675, posted by VincceH at 20:19, 5/1/2010, in reply to message #112673
Lowering the tone since the dawn of time

Posts: 1600
On the bright(?) side, it looks like we're not the only ones encountering date problems.

Well, I haven't noticed any time travelling text messages yet (Win Mobile 6.1 on an HTC Touch Diamond) - and so far this year I've received... um... 2.
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Trevor Johnson Message #113976, posted by trevj at 11:24, 15/4/2010, in reply to message #112610
Posts: 660
Are you open to suggestions for additional award categories (assuming there'll be awards in 2010)?

If so, how about Best comic moment (photos optional)?
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Bryan Hogan Message #113996, posted by helpful at 03:36, 18/4/2010, in reply to message #113976
Posts: 252
Reminder that the top two events of last year come together this Monday (19th April) as Sophie Wilson is the guest speaker at ROUGOL.


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The Icon Bar: News and features: The Icon Bar Awards 2009